Does Justice Exist? ⚖️

I think everyone knows about the Israeli-Palestine conflict, no need to introduce what happens in there. It’s really sad and messed up, that we, a pseudo-civilized people living in the 21st century, still need to have wars and massive massacres for some “very important reasons“. But I don’t want to talk about this situation now. Something else is bothering me a little. And maybe it’s not the time to talk about it, but still.

Around six months ago there was a war in my country. I wrote about that topic in here, shared what’s happened and my thoughts and concerns. I knew that there was no use for me in the frontline (like many other brave guys and girls, who volunteered to go there), so I tried to do everything I can from here: donating money to foundations, signing and sharing petitions, raising awareness in social media, using my platforms to speak the truth, tell the world what’s actually happening. And then I faced something really alarming and shocking: no one cared. Having more than 3000 followers in Instagram (90% of which are from other countries), only 2 people, I’m not exaggerating, 2 people reached out and asked how things are in here, showed their support. Apart from these two- total silence. When I posted cute videos of my cat or my photography, everyone was there for me, replying to stories, leaving comments. But when I talked about a real life situation-war, people dying, young people dying, no one cared. Same with other bigger mass medias. They called it a mutual conflict, when it was Azerbaijan who violated all laws and intruded in our territory, bombed civilian buildings, even hospitals and maternity homes, literally slaughtered our soldiers, took gruesome photos and videos of how they’re beating, torturing and making fun of the captive soldiers. And everyone called it a mutual conflict, no one, well almost no one tried to help somehow, at least write in their twitters “praying for armenia” or “stop azerbaijani aggression“…

At first I was really frustrated by that fact. How can people be so neutral in the negative way. Then I realized, not everyone knows our history, the relationship of these two countries, what happened before and what’s really happening now. These are two not so famous countries, many people don’t even know that such countries exist or where they’re situated, how could they know the reality, when two sides were telling different things, saying that the other one is the attacker. If the same happened with two other countries (the same example of Israel and Palestine now), I couldn’t have completely formed an opinion because sadly I don’t know their full history and all the straight facts about their relationship. So I partly understood the silence back then.

So why am I talking about this now? Because now, when a similar thing is happening in Palestine, everyone is suddenly concerned. Everyone cares. Everyone says not to call it a mutual conflict because it’s Israel who started all this. Honestly, almost all I see now in internet, even among my followers, these same followers who stayed silent and didn’t even say “I’m so sorry” during our war, now constantly post things like “how to help Palestine” “supporting Palestine” “things you need to know about their history” “praying for people in Palestine” “stop Israel aggression” … Again I feel bad about talking this now, because now the situation is terrible there, people dying and that’s really bad. It doesn’t matter what nationality they are and what they believe in, people remain people, and I feel as sorry and bad for them, as I felt for my people. But I can’t help but feel a little hurt, seeing how everyone is there for one country and one people, and are totally indifferent to another one.

Where’s the tolerance? Where’s the justice? Where’s the so-called equality? I know that people face injustice every day, in all the spheres of life, and even in little things it’s bad and wrong. But when the same thing happens in a much bigger scope, it becomes just horrible. I’m not saying that people shouldn’t support and help Palestine. On the contrary I’m glad that at least for one country people actually care and want to help somehow. I hope I make my thoughts clear, I don’t want for people to think that I am hostile towards Palestine now. It’s like imagine you’re a child, and you fall down and hurt your knee, and everyone around just don’t care. Only one person approaches you, maybe even shouts at you saying to stop crying and move on. And then imagine your brother, a child just like you falls down the same way after only a few minutes, and and gets not only everyone’s attention, but also big concerns, first aid and even some chocolate or toys as a moral compensation. Now imagine the same situation but in bigger scale. Wouldn’t you feel hurt? I’m sure you wouldn’t want for people to ignore the other child and you’re glad that your brother is fine, but you still feel bad, you feel that injustice. I hope you’ll understand what I mean.

Anyway, as I said then, I’m saying now. Wars are the most inappropriate and dreadful thing in this world. Killing others, taking their home, their homeland, their close ones just for sake of what? Of money, power, more territory? It’s not an explanation, it’s not a reason, not an excuse. Our country went through war, I know how it feels, I see the consequences, how it affects people both mentally and physically. I see how broken people can get. And I wouldn’t want the same to happen to any other place. So if at least people and higher powers of this Earth can have a good impact on this situation and end it soon, with the least amount of damage, I’ll be really happy. Let there be peace, harmony, love, equality and justice for every single person living in this world. Tolerance isn’t just for different races, genders and orientations, it should be for everyone, every single soul, because at the end of the day, we’re all same no matter what. Let’s all hope and believe that one day there wouldn’t be the need of even talking about things like this. 🙏🏻


      • yes! I just remembered an old joke from your comment, which said “if all the countries had women as presidents or governors, there would be no wars,,there would many countries not talking to each other” 😂

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    • You only wish that your friend was wrong… may be, because you have already concluded he is wise… but I on the other hand, am convinced that he is wrong… (please forgive me, as I wish no slight to his wisdom).

      We live in a world of cause, and effect… what was the cause of the anger expressed by the young men…? Which brought on the effect of war…?

      OLD MEN!!!

      Throughout the World, old men… like nurturing mother’s, have been suckling young men on the rancid ‘milk’ of hate… prejudice… fear… and greed… whereupon, young men like dutiful sons, have wallowed in this polluted quagmire until… voilà!!!

      They have become OLD MEN!!! and the cycle as began again…

      OLD MEN… especially old men who once had power… who still see themselves as powerful… who now wish to live… wish to occupy the virile body of youth… see nothing wrong with throwing young men into the fire like logs off wood… war-logs…

      I apologize for such a long comment… in fact it was my intention to say a few words to annmary 0723 about her blog, but… your comment caught my eye… and arrested my brain… I may well have to empty myself of this matter in a full fledged blog of my own…


      • I understand what you mean,,when a child hates animals, it probably is caused by their parents hating animals,,not always of course, but in majority of cases,, all people have their own vision of what’s is right for them, their country and nation, and those in power always try to convey their idea to other and make them believe and fight for it, for a “better” future..sometimes it’s already our, ordinary people’s choice, whether to agree with everything said “from above”, or try to think for ourselves. thanks for your comment, I really appreciate your opinion!


  1. We talk abt equality but I don’t think it exists….when the US is involved indirectly (as Israel is directly involved), things become bigger….on top of that, this never ending conflict between Palestine & Israel has been in limelight for decades….sadly media feed on that….so, I get how you feel….no war is better or justifiable than other….I’m the end it’s people who die, suffer & get traumatised….thx for your sharing ✨

    Liked by 1 person

    • couldn’t agree more,,people fight for equality but only in a few aspects in life, while in others,,,there’s a chaos,, war is always bad for both sides, because even if the governments want war, there are people who don’t want anything,,thanks for understanding 🙏🏻

      Liked by 2 people

  2. To reduce wars, povetry, destroying the nature. This is the main task of world leaders, not to talk about it while people are dying.
    I appreciate your position!🕊️👋


  3. I am just learning about your blog today. I very much agree with what you have shared here. Human suffering spans our globe, we all innately full of worth, and there should be no place on this earth where brutality is inflicted or endured. I appreciate this thought from your article In particular, “It doesn’t matter what nationality they are and what they believe in, people remain people, and I feel as sorry and bad for them, as I felt for my people”. If more could see the inherent worth in all, this world could be a safer place. My care to you as you continue the good fight or speaking truth.

    Liked by 2 people

    • thanks so much for your comment! I absolutely agree with your every word! people made artificial separations among them and fight each other, treating one type of people as good and the others bad,, when people understand that this separation is stupid and pointless and that we’re all the same, maybe only then they’ll treat each other with respect 🙏🏻 thanks again♥️

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  4. That’s the sad reality of the human’s world they have killed each other from the ages for their personal advantage and greed. Sadly it would be a lie as well to hope things will get better what we can do just be kind from our side help as much as we can spread the smile because already so much tears to wipe, very well versed post 🙂


    • that’s sadly true! they say hope does the last, but it’s more of a fantasy genre to think that our humanity will change,,and as you say we should be kinder in our daily lives and spread the positive energy as much as possible 🙏🏻

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  5. I hope we find peace and tolerance soon, even though discovered centuries ago but still, apart from this I don’t know what to say,


  6. Dear Annmarie,
    Please accept my humblest apologies for not responding if I was following your blog six months ago. I don’t usually respond to cats, but your fascinating pics have merited several comments from me.
    I agree war is terrible whoever the initiators or respondents are. My prayer for the peace of Jerusalem includes prayers FOR the Palestinians as well, that they will find peace in their hearts, because for both Palestinians and Jews, that is where it must begin.
    Since following your blog, you and Armenia have been on my “prayer walk” when my Lord and I “visit” friends around the world. ❤️&🙏, c.a.


    • I don’t think you were following me back then, so that’s really okay ☺️ thanks a lot for your support, your thoughts and prayers, I really appreciate that! As for the current situation, I agree, I wish well for both sides and hope that they’ll end this conflict soon 🙏🏻

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  7. a form of “justice” does exist. but it is only the definition of the word and not a personal justice. courts and judges hand out “justice.” it is one sided. does peace after a war bring justice to those who lost loved ones or property? does the death penalty bring justice to those who lost a loved one to murder? does divorce bring justice to a marriage?

    one does not have to be on the “front lines” to help out and are just as, if not even more, important than those on the front line. one can not function on the front without support from the rear. i can not explain why the war in the middle east takes on more importance than a war in any other place. blame the media, i guess. maybe economics? there is so much unnecessary strife in the world. many have just become numb to it all. be proud of what you were able to do in your war. im glad you posted about it for there was little in the news. but even more, you are a survivor and have the memories to tell future children about it and maybe, just maybe, real justice will come from you.

    justice is just a word on a page in the dictionary.


    • I love this sentence “justice is just a word on a page in the dictionary”, it’s so true! I agree with you, they have the so called justice in courts, which is far from the true, universal justice.thanks a lot for your comment! yes, 2020 had lots of bad events, but also lots of stories to tell later and even laugh at some of them. thank you! 😇


  8. Ann Mary, what a beautifully written post. Although I might not have commented on the struggle in your country, please know that it was on my mind and in my heart. Actually, you did make it real “on the front line,” by being there through it all, even with cute cat photos and such.

    It’s so terrible that war is so awful that we just don’t know what to say. I’m still wishing you all peace, and will continue to remember you in my prayers. Please be safe, and stay strong.

    Peace and Hugs, Susan


    • aww thanks so much Susan! I really appreciate your words! it’s okay if you didn’t write anything, I’m not angry or upset about specific people, it just made me wonder why people and media prioritize one war to another. thanks a lot and have a good day! ♥️♥️

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  9. I disagree with most of the comments on whose fault it is that two countries go to war. It is both of the country’s fault! It is useless to go to war over, ideologies, religious beliefs, land, and any other thing greedy old men can think of to require its young men and women to fight and die for something that they do not believe in or are too young to understand how stupid it is!


    • I agree with you, wars are the most pointless and cruel things. they justify killing people by calling it a “war”. I also agree that mostly it’s both sides’ fault, though sometimes one can attack another with no warning or apparent reason, and the other side automatically becomes the victim 💔


  10. “Justice will only exist when the powers that be no longer elevate Form over Substance!”
    _-Van Prince


  11. Your pen has the powerful commandment to deal with the weird people and activities across the world. Apart from wars among countries the sadest part is what you penned so good about the social media and followers. That’s very true people are really busy n crazy in unwarranted stuff which warrants the big threat to destroy the self life n own country. Such a brave post from a beautiful heart.

    Liked by 1 person

    • thank you so much! yes it’s the sad reality we live in! but I still do understand why people don’t want to get into such affairs, there’s already so much negativity and problems in everyone’s lives that they use social media to light up their mood and feel at least a little good! ♥️


      • Exactly on point. Practical lives are really getting into extreme stress in almost every one’s life now a days for many reasons. With this, the face to face disconnect is making virtual connections as pleasures of relaxation.


  12. I agree with you Annmary. I had read about the Armenian Azerbaijan conflict and was saddened by how it happened.
    War is very unfortunate and should have no place in modern society.
    About people liking cat photos more😊, I think such pictures and simple things are less threatening and benign.
    Thanks for writing this very soul touching post.
    I’ll follow your blog


    • thanks a lot for your comment! it’s really good to know that there are people in this world who actually care. yes I agree, people want to see something positive in internet, because there’s too much negativity already in their lives.

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  13. I read your piece with with a heavy heart, for it is the centuries old cry of women, who have woken up, and recognize the absolute futility of war… men… unfortunately… are still playing war games in the sandbox… and who expects toddlers to understand something as mature as justice? After all, the argument in the sandbox only ends, when they called home for supper…

    War in all it’s Manifestations’ boils down to land… who occupies it… who owns it… and in the final analysis… the owners always get it…
    six feet of it… when they become a banquet for Maggots…

    My words may be considered dispassionate… but then justice is dispassionate… it must be… it as to be… because truth has no friends… it is the enemy of all… for if truth had no enemy, there would be no conflict… and something called love… would reign supreme…

    I considered your little ‘joke’ you expressed in reply to a comment earlier… that if women were leaders, there would be no wars, since they wouldn’t be talking to each other… is sounded like something a man would create while playing in the sandbox… we men cannot have it both ways… with one mouth we say women talk too much… and now we say they won’t talk… it’s not a talk, or no talk situation… it’s whether you have something to say…


    • thanks for your comment! I guess when people haven’t played enough in their childhood, when they grow up and get some power they start playing on another, bigger scale. everything comes from the fact that people have separated themselves from others by nations, religions and other things and don’t considerate them as equals, as humans who have the same right to live,,maybe if one day we understood that we’re all basically the same, these stupid wars and conflicts would end…as for the joke, by no talking I didn’t mean that women don’t raise their voice to say their opinions,,just the fact women are more sensitive and easily offended, but instead of a war they’d just not talk to each other, as we sometimes do in our daily lives, when we get offended by something and don’t talk to that person anymore 😂 it’s just a joke, nothing too serious


  14. I am late to replying to this post. (As I think I had the same issue with notifications of your post not being sent to me for a time.)

    There are no words I can say to offer much, as I have never lived in a country going through turmoil such as you have experienced. But, I will offer two which I hope will at least sit with you as you think so deeply and carefully about the world and its people and encourage change:

    Kia kaha (stay strong). Keep seeking to make that positive, and taking the action that you do to make it happen. ❤


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